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Jan 31, 2020

Paul and Chris talk about why deleting the Power Stroke DPF may not be as beneficial as once thought.

Jan 24, 2020

Paul and Chris talk with Diesel Power Challenge 2019 alternate and DPC 2020 hopeful Chris Patterson from Summit Diesel!

Jan 17, 2020

Paul and Chris give you all the information on the new VCO Nozzle on LB7 Injectors! 

Jan 11, 2020

Paul and Chris sit down with Kaje Jones of the Diesel Power Magazine.  They discuss the future of the Diesel Power brand and how it will continue to be the best media outlet for everything diesel!

Jan 3, 2020

Paul, Chris, and Justin sit down and discuss the success stories of 2019 and what listeners can look forward to in 2020.