Jun 28, 2019
Paul and Chris talk to the President of 907 Diesel, Mike Anagnostou, about the upcoming Prowl For Power event up in the beautiful state of Alaska. Be sure to get out there and see all the action!
Jun 21, 2019
Paul and Chris chat with Brad Sankey about all that went down with his sled pulling LLY at DPC2019! We get the ins and outs and advice with next year's possible competitors.
Jun 14, 2019
Paul and Chris get a run down of how DPC 2019 went for winner Richard Coker! It was a long grueling weekend for all riders, trucks, and crew members, get the dirty on how his win all went down!
Jun 10, 2019
Paul sits down with Gale Banks, who needs no introduction. They discuss turbo and cooling when it comes to diesel engines. It's a very informative episode!
Jun 7, 2019
Cody got his dead truck back up and running to be the final sled pull of the event! It's been a wild five days folks!